Saturday, July 16, 2011

When hells’ break loose

A glorious battle took place in Troy it was the battle between two warriors who were known to rule over others. Before I tell the story of how the battle goes, let us know first our contenders for this battle. First of all let us meet our Greek warrior he is a demi-god in other words a son of goddess, son of the god Thetis. He love his cousin Patroclus, and he is his best friend, he can fight anyone without losing a sword battle with him will surely lead to death, our first contender is Achilles, the Greeks and Myrmidons one and the best of all warrior. Now to present our last contender, he is the glory of Trojans, he is famous for being the best swordsman for the Trojan army, he is their leader, favored by the god Apollo, and he is Hector.

Here is how the battle goes Hector whose guardian is Apollo accidentally killed Patroklus, Hector killed Achilles cousin because the god Apollo cast a spell that made a deception through Patroclus, making Patroclus look a lot like Achilles. Because of this it made Achilles go berserk and he turned into an endless hatred, an outrage warrior goes out for battle and seeks Hector. Achilles went for the gates of Troy old king Priam saw him dashing to the gates of Troy.
The following lines prove it.
“Meanwhile, old Priam
Was the first to catch sight of Achilles, as he dashed
Across the plain, blazing like that star which comes
At harvest time—its light shines out more brightly
Than any of the countless lights in the night’s dark sky.
People call this star by the name Orion’s dog.”

Hector, the first sight of Achilles made him shake to his knees he fears that his death comes closer. The following lines prove it.
“But Achilles was coming closer, like Enyalius,
the warrior god of battle with the shining helmet.
On his right shoulder he waved his dreadful spear
made of Pelian ash. The bronze around him glittered
like a blazing fire or rising sun. At that moment,
as he watched, Hector began to shake in fear
his courage gone, he could no longer stand there.
Terrified, he started running, leaving the gate”.

The scared Hector, just kept on dashing avoiding his death, running away from the outraging Achilles they passed valleys everywhere, they circled the city of Troy about three times. Until the goddess Athena interferes, the goddess had a talk with the great Achilles saying.
“Glorious Achilles,
Beloved of Zeus, now I hope the two of us
Will take great glory to Achaean ships,
By killing Hector, for all his love of war.
Now he can’t escape us any longer,
Even though Apollo, the far shooter,
Suffers every torment, as he grovels
Before Father Zeus, who bears the aegis.
Stay still now. Catch your breath. I’ll go to Hector
And convince him to turn and stand against you.”

So as the goddess says, she did it she transformed herself into Deiphobus, the following lines prove it.
“My brother,
swift Achilles is really harassing you,
with his fast running around Priam’s city
in the pursuit. Come, we’ll both stand here,
stay put, and beat off his attack.”

As the battle starts, Achilles was the one to give the throw he threw his spear to Hector, but missed, but Athena interferes and threw back Achilles’ spear back to him, the swift Achilles then struck Hector in the collar bones the demi-god was then able to kill off the hero of the Trojans in the most glorious battle. After that Hector pleaded for his body to be returned to his family, back to the Trojans. The following lines prove it.
“By your life, I beg you,
by your knees, your parents—don’t let dogs eat me
by Achaean ships. No, you should accept
all bronze and gold you might desire,
gifts my father and lady give you,
if you’ll send my body home again,
so Trojans and Trojans’ wives can bury me,
with all the necessary funeral rites.”

But stone cold hearted Achilles begs to differ, instead he gave the coldest words no man in the right mind can say. The following lines prove it.
“Don’t whine to me, you dog, about my knees
or parents. I wish I had the heart and strength
to carve you up and eat you raw myself”

Because of these lines, Hector gave a curse to Achilles saying that Paris and Phoebus Apollo would kill him one day, the following lines prove it.
“But think of this—I may bring down on you
the anger of the gods that very day
when Paris and Phoebus Apollo,
in spite of all your courage, slaughter you
beside the Scaean Gate.”

Those were the last words of the Trojans greatest Hero, a curse to a Demi-god. After that Achilles showed his darkest side, it was his side of being worst than a monstrous being, the inhumane part of Achilles, he stripped Hector’s armor, and started his most gruesome deeds by piercing a deep wound through Hector’s tendons, from heel to ankle and tied them to his chariot, dragging a dead body behind his chariot. The following lines prove it.
Achilles finished. Then on noble Hector’s corpse
he carried out a monstrous act. He cut through
the tendons behind both feet, from heel to ankle,
threaded them ox-hide thongs, and the tied these
onto his chariot, leaving the head to drag behind.
He climbed up in his chariot, brought on the splendid armour,
then lashes his horses. They sped of eagerly,
dragging Hector

Achilles, the most violent of them all, a warrior who stands and is always ready for the next fight, he rules above all, he’s a warrior that never seeks forgiveness when he wanted to, from what he did he showed his credibility as a champion warrior that never backs down, a true courageous warrior, and he is Achilles.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog reflects good organization of ideas but too much of in-text citation.
