Thursday, February 24, 2011

Failures are just too great

Failures, they normally come and go, and no great people haven’t had a fail because failing is the best way to learn. After the checking of my project in English, I learned that I can be a good blogger I never expected that I can develop myself better thru blogging. The best thing that I need working on is my grammar and writing skills, failures on everything I blog is unavoidable, but what I hope to learn is to learn on improving myself on those failures. The improvement of my writing skills and grammar skills, it all depends on what I’ve learned so far, and what I learned so far is from the books I’ve read, and then apply it from my blog. After the checking, I have realized that I still got more things to learn and improve the blogging project is the best way for me and others to improve their skills in English, and what I hope for this project to end is that everyone has learned their own lessons. No one, and surely nobody is perfect, all that is based on my experience, and that is the best thing about being a human, a life which is perfect isn’t a life at all, because we grow and thrive from our failures, I just hope in end of this project we all pass, and the best part is we all learned our lessons.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Desire to be called as CHAMPIONS

Here comes the most awaited event for the whole year, the Foundation Week of TUMCS, it started on the day of hearts February 14. So much expectations are awaited for the whole week, cause in this week, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors can show the whole school what they are made of, a week of shouting, screaming, shouting and standing. Competitors from different levels show what they got, thru dancing and sports, and winning has always its reward, to win means to own respect for the whole year level. What has everyone on their mind, win and never back down, and leave our mark on our school as champions, and of course my year level showed what we got, my year level the juniors win mostly of the sports competitions. But of course, all of us must be a good sport win or lose we must aim for the highest. I myself became part of the champions we won the Badminton Doubles, what a great week. So much crowd all shouting for the one who they hope for to win, and of course there are “BOO” and “GO”. A battle to the end, the freshmen they really showed what they got, but what they got isn’t enough to defeat the sophomores, the sophomores they are good, but they still lack energy to defeat us juniors, the seniors, they’re our “kuya” and “ate” but in the competitions, everyone is treating everyone as equals, we juniors well we showed them what we got, and as I’ve told before most of us were ranked champions. In the end, the reward was so satisfying, in the juniors there are three sections my section won the Basketball, and the Doubles Badminton, the other two won the Dancing thru Cheering and Ball Room Dancing, and Volleyball. What great competitors the other levels were, I have to admit they gave us a hard time, but as champions as we are, we did our best to be at the top, next year, I hope it will all be different, I hope the other year level will work as hard as we did. You can never find a school in the world with such competitive students as in TUMCS, the best school with the best students. We were so great, a very God blessed week, we prayed and we worked and practiced hard to place were we are now, a satisfying week, a gratifying week, what more can I say, it’s the best week ever in TUMCS.

Friday, February 11, 2011

English is a part of us

English, for us Filipinos learning English is very vital, cause as we Filipinos go on with our lives, English is much in use. English is used in Preparatory, Elementary, High school and College levels, so basically English is really needed by Filipinos to learn if they ever want to improve their way of living and even our project is English, but the bad effect of English to Filipinos, is that we are loosing our original language. Our Generation of young children, doesn’t even know how to speak time in Filipino, this bad effect chains itself for Filipinos not being the way Filipinos are, this way is called as being “Makabayan”. Because Filipinos are loosing their ways, we Filipinos are loosing are values, making our country improvements turn low, and yet people are asking for improvements, when the improvement we need to do is to improve ourselves first, to transform ourselves back to the way Filipinos are being proud of our language and being proud of our country, this chain create negative traits we Filipinos are having now. Though, English let us connect to the world, it let us to gain contact with other countries, this is why so many Oversea Filipino Workers can apply to many jobs abroad. For me, I think English is a worldwide language is because there are thousands of important people around the globe were born in this language, the most important person now is raised in English, a lot of famous people are born in English, a lot of successful persons succeeded through English, and one more thing a lot of inspirational writers inspired other people through English, our national hero learned English, I guess this is why English is so vastly used across the world.  English is an important language, so we have to respect it and learn it, but we need to remember the language we grow from our native language, we must never forget it. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Goodbyes hurt like hell.

My story starts when I reached my higher elementary levels, my parents were forced to go abroad, due to my parents’ salary aren’t enough to sustain us. It was the hardest part of my life letting my parents go, the worst of all is the parental love you can get are all lost. I and my sister were placed under the care of our grandma, though she is the mom of my dad, I still can’t feel the love I so dearly desire. Did you ever have the feeling of hunger for the cooking of your mom? Well, I know how that feels, for the past months since my parents leave, it is kind of different eating food cooked by others, worst is all I have in my mind is how they are now, are they having fun now? Are they crying? How I miss them, at first I thought I was going to loose my mind, the feeling was like being stock in box where no one knew where you are. Then, all of a sudden my cousin brought a surprise, a computer we can use to have a chat with my parents, I was relieved. To be able to see them was enough for me. When I was to graduate, my parents came home to be there for my graduation, after 11 months of them gone. But nothing last forever, they still have to leave back to Japan. When I turned to my High school, we moved to my aunt’s place because my grandma decided to leave us to return to her house. Eventually, I got in touch with my aunt’s place, I had friends and lots of fun, but still the feeling is very heavy. My birthday, first birthday of all not having my parents, it was different and a little odd, cause I was used to being awaken by my parents with a birthday cake already to be blown, it was a little sad but still it is my birthday, I just can’t stop having fun. Summertime, my first year was just finished, a surprise came along, my sister and I was to go to Japan, to be with my parents once more, at least for 2 months. When I was off to the airport, when I saw my parents, tears of joy were shed from my eyes. Cold, a normal temperature in Japan was below 20 degrees, but this cold means nothing to the warmth I am feeling right now, the first hug given by my mom and dad after a year. I spent my 2 months of vacation going to Tokyo and Disneyland and spent it with my parents in Japan, so glad to be with them, but all happiness has to end at some point. The come back, tears and sadness all mashed up in that airport, when the plane landed on Philippines, my body felt heavy like I want to return to that plane, and ride back to Japan, but my life has still to go on. Second year, a blast, I believe to be my best High school life ever. Studies became hard at those times my parents were gone, one is I can’t focus on my studies. Summertime once more, my second year has just ended with a blast, new friends and something new I just learned. Time to come back once more, but before that, a crisis hit, my granddad got sick because of that my dad came back, to say his last goodbyes to his dad, though my granddad didn’t make it, everyone was so sad after my granddad departure to heaven, it was also my sister, my dad and me to depart back to Japan. As was our last visit there it was great, we traveled to Tokyo and visited a Water park zoo, in the end all happiness, I was already getting used to this kind of goodbyes, all the pain I kept from those goodbyes makes my everyday life feeling heavy, though I have learned how to hide the pain through this fake smiles, all I can think off, is how painful goodbyes are. Now, I’m on my Third year level and it was as hard as it was before and as painful as before, we visited my parents in Japan this Christmas, and it was fun, though as painful as goodbyes are we still has to say them once more. All I wish for is for a year with my family back together, because all this painful goodbyes are getting harder and harder to swallow. Goodbyes, I have learned its true meaning, it has a painful meaning, but sometimes, goodbyes are all you have left, for me I simply think its see you later, rather than goodbyes.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

God can be a little comedian sometimes.

There was a married couple who cannot have a daughter, the Husband quickly asked doctors from their town how they can have a daughter, they all said it is impossible, the husband then asked all the doctors from their country, they all replied back “IMPOSSIBLE”, the Husband was forced to go further, he asked all the doctors in the world and all he get was a big “I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E”. The married couple then asked the only One, Who has done the Impossible. They prayed to God, God saw how the married couple wanted so badly to have a child, so God gave them one. The married couple was pleased that the Wife was pregnant, a miracle. Though when the baby was born, God gave them a son. ^_^

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life is easy, you live then you die

When you think about life, when you wonder off and simply think, you'll always realize the fact of dying. This fact is an inescapable fact, cause we all know that we have to die at some point in our lives, though there are this unlucky persons who hasn't even able to live that wasted life, persons who die at a very young age. Why? I guess life is just one big game, where faith decides whether you die or not. To my own opinion life truly sucks, cause it only chooses the most fit to live longer. Life and Faith, they are both connected, you live your life, then faith snatches it away from you, where from a turn up event we all call as death. The point which is the end, the point of no return, the tip of the mountain. To me I simply enjoy life, living how I want it to be, being with my friends and my studies, though I think my life is a very well long life, we can never tell when will faith snatch it from you. Faith, it snatches away life quicker than lightning, or as fast as lightning, we can never tell, when a car will hit you, where a building will come tumbling down at you, or when your heart stops beating, this is the real act of faith. Luckily, Faith has pity upon us all, Faith can also give back life, where in an instant, he gives it back at you. As for Life to live, he must stay away from the evil side Faith, and live on and grow up, but as I've told earlier, Death comes to all of us. So enjoy life, live it up to the fullest with caution of course, cause we can never tell when will Faith take it away from us.