Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life is easy, you live then you die

When you think about life, when you wonder off and simply think, you'll always realize the fact of dying. This fact is an inescapable fact, cause we all know that we have to die at some point in our lives, though there are this unlucky persons who hasn't even able to live that wasted life, persons who die at a very young age. Why? I guess life is just one big game, where faith decides whether you die or not. To my own opinion life truly sucks, cause it only chooses the most fit to live longer. Life and Faith, they are both connected, you live your life, then faith snatches it away from you, where from a turn up event we all call as death. The point which is the end, the point of no return, the tip of the mountain. To me I simply enjoy life, living how I want it to be, being with my friends and my studies, though I think my life is a very well long life, we can never tell when will faith snatch it from you. Faith, it snatches away life quicker than lightning, or as fast as lightning, we can never tell, when a car will hit you, where a building will come tumbling down at you, or when your heart stops beating, this is the real act of faith. Luckily, Faith has pity upon us all, Faith can also give back life, where in an instant, he gives it back at you. As for Life to live, he must stay away from the evil side Faith, and live on and grow up, but as I've told earlier, Death comes to all of us. So enjoy life, live it up to the fullest with caution of course, cause we can never tell when will Faith take it away from us.

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