Monday, August 15, 2011

Greeks a part of us

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, they are some of the well-known gods, in the Greeks all are feared for their power over the heaven to earth and even to hell. These gods are like the super stars of this era, for they are part of the Greek literature, and without these gods, philosophers of that time might have nothing to write about.
Greek literature, two simple words that made our English world the way it is. The Greek literature is famous for its dramatic schemes, for its different kind of entertaining its readers it can give an individual reader the excitement in one reading. One of this is the famous Iliad, even now it is part of our present time, for it was part of the well-known movie “Troy” where it represents the part, in Achilles killed Hector with one deadly blow, and how the Trojans entered the gates of Troy thru the Trojan horse. The Greek literature was so striking that it had its roots on our history really deep, and has left its remark until now. Philosophers from the past helped in molding the English world we live in now, I wish that I saw this great writer such as Homer to see him and his writings would be a dream to English lovers.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

When hell has break loose, you get Achilles

When hells’ break loose

A glorious battle took place in Troy it was the battle between two warriors who were known to rule over others. Before I tell the story of how the battle goes, let us know first our contenders for this battle. First of all let us meet our Greek warrior he is a demi-god in other words a son of goddess, son of the god Thetis. He love his cousin Patroclus, and he is his best friend, he can fight anyone without losing a sword battle with him will surely lead to death, our first contender is Achilles, the Greeks and Myrmidons one and the best of all warrior. Now to present our last contender, he is the glory of Trojans, he is famous for being the best swordsman for the Trojan army, he is their leader, favored by the god Apollo, and he is Hector.

Here is how the battle goes Hector whose guardian is Apollo accidentally killed Patroklus, Hector killed Achilles cousin because the god Apollo cast a spell that made a deception through Patroclus, making Patroclus look a lot like Achilles. Because of this it made Achilles go berserk and he turned into an endless hatred, an outrage warrior goes out for battle and seeks Hector. Achilles went for the gates of Troy old king Priam saw him dashing to the gates of Troy.
The following lines prove it.
“Meanwhile, old Priam
Was the first to catch sight of Achilles, as he dashed
Across the plain, blazing like that star which comes
At harvest time—its light shines out more brightly
Than any of the countless lights in the night’s dark sky.
People call this star by the name Orion’s dog.”

Hector, the first sight of Achilles made him shake to his knees he fears that his death comes closer. The following lines prove it.
“But Achilles was coming closer, like Enyalius,
the warrior god of battle with the shining helmet.
On his right shoulder he waved his dreadful spear
made of Pelian ash. The bronze around him glittered
like a blazing fire or rising sun. At that moment,
as he watched, Hector began to shake in fear
his courage gone, he could no longer stand there.
Terrified, he started running, leaving the gate”.

The scared Hector, just kept on dashing avoiding his death, running away from the outraging Achilles they passed valleys everywhere, they circled the city of Troy about three times. Until the goddess Athena interferes, the goddess had a talk with the great Achilles saying.
“Glorious Achilles,
Beloved of Zeus, now I hope the two of us
Will take great glory to Achaean ships,
By killing Hector, for all his love of war.
Now he can’t escape us any longer,
Even though Apollo, the far shooter,
Suffers every torment, as he grovels
Before Father Zeus, who bears the aegis.
Stay still now. Catch your breath. I’ll go to Hector
And convince him to turn and stand against you.”

So as the goddess says, she did it she transformed herself into Deiphobus, the following lines prove it.
“My brother,
swift Achilles is really harassing you,
with his fast running around Priam’s city
in the pursuit. Come, we’ll both stand here,
stay put, and beat off his attack.”

As the battle starts, Achilles was the one to give the throw he threw his spear to Hector, but missed, but Athena interferes and threw back Achilles’ spear back to him, the swift Achilles then struck Hector in the collar bones the demi-god was then able to kill off the hero of the Trojans in the most glorious battle. After that Hector pleaded for his body to be returned to his family, back to the Trojans. The following lines prove it.
“By your life, I beg you,
by your knees, your parents—don’t let dogs eat me
by Achaean ships. No, you should accept
all bronze and gold you might desire,
gifts my father and lady give you,
if you’ll send my body home again,
so Trojans and Trojans’ wives can bury me,
with all the necessary funeral rites.”

But stone cold hearted Achilles begs to differ, instead he gave the coldest words no man in the right mind can say. The following lines prove it.
“Don’t whine to me, you dog, about my knees
or parents. I wish I had the heart and strength
to carve you up and eat you raw myself”

Because of these lines, Hector gave a curse to Achilles saying that Paris and Phoebus Apollo would kill him one day, the following lines prove it.
“But think of this—I may bring down on you
the anger of the gods that very day
when Paris and Phoebus Apollo,
in spite of all your courage, slaughter you
beside the Scaean Gate.”

Those were the last words of the Trojans greatest Hero, a curse to a Demi-god. After that Achilles showed his darkest side, it was his side of being worst than a monstrous being, the inhumane part of Achilles, he stripped Hector’s armor, and started his most gruesome deeds by piercing a deep wound through Hector’s tendons, from heel to ankle and tied them to his chariot, dragging a dead body behind his chariot. The following lines prove it.
Achilles finished. Then on noble Hector’s corpse
he carried out a monstrous act. He cut through
the tendons behind both feet, from heel to ankle,
threaded them ox-hide thongs, and the tied these
onto his chariot, leaving the head to drag behind.
He climbed up in his chariot, brought on the splendid armour,
then lashes his horses. They sped of eagerly,
dragging Hector

Achilles, the most violent of them all, a warrior who stands and is always ready for the next fight, he rules above all, he’s a warrior that never seeks forgiveness when he wanted to, from what he did he showed his credibility as a champion warrior that never backs down, a true courageous warrior, and he is Achilles.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A star that dares go the distance

The reason for my title is that stars are known to be the mother of the universe, without them we wouldn’t be here. She has gone off to the point were her rights as a woman can go. I know someone who dares go to the distance for the ones she loves so dearly, and that someone is the woman that raised me ever since I was born, she is the person I would protect if she really needs it, and I need her the most, she is the one who dares go where other women can’t. That woman is my mom, she really does extend her reach as long as she can in every right she can. My mom works abroad, and her job there is very hard, and I think her job can be compared to what a man’s job is here at the Philippines.

The stories of my mom about how hard her job abroad, she works for twelve hours and only stops working twice in a thirty minutes break. I admire her so much, she lives her life, and I can see that she is really. My mom is living her rights to the fullest because she is actually working for her family, in every way, and as long as she can. My mom, can be a really good pack leader, she can lead real good, when it comes to arranging birthday parties, everyone lets her decide on what the balloons, cakes, party needs, almost everything they let her decide, you can see a good leader in her, which by the way women before are to only follow men. My mom decides too on budgeting, and how our money is spent, mostly everything that deals with the house like cleaning, arranging, cooking, she does all that, without hesitation. My mom she can be your worst enemy, and can be your best of the bests of friends, when you argue with her, she’s really going to hold her ground, never backing down as long as she knows her answer is right, she can be your best of the bests friends because my mom, she is a really good person who loves those who loves her. I can see my mom as model woman who stands for all her rights, because as my blog says it, she protects, she works, she loves and everything else that is supposed to be done by men before has and have been done by her, she stands for all her rights to serve those who love her, and I love my mom so much, I live harmoniously in her rules, she deserves to be called a woman that dares go distances, beyond the point of reaches.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The girl that made me fall

I found someone on that faithful day, I never knew that she would be the right girl that would love me. April 1, the day of the marriage of my uncle, because of this day I have saw her for the first time. On that day, I saw her passing by, and I never expected that she would be the girl for me, after the marriage everyone left so did I, I never even knew this mysterious girl. My uncle’s wife is the cousin of this girl, two weeks after the marriage my new aunt, added me in a social network, that is when this mysterious girl first noticed me, so as what her cousin did she added me. At first, she just keep on messaging me good evening, but every time I am about to reply to her messages, she’s already gone. For the past three days, same thing always happens, it’s like we were meant not to talk to each other. I thought to myself, why she is messaging me every night. Until, one night after I just finished my dinner, another good evening with a smiley on it, I replied to her, “good evening”, that is when all of this started. She asked for my number, so I gave her mine, we texted each for the whole night. Time passes by, we got close, I found a new friend, I saw her pictures and I saw this pretty, cute, and lovely looking lady, one thing entered my mind on those past days, and that is I hope that this nice lady I recently met, must be the perfect girl for me. We kept our friendship, and in those days, I asked her if her heart is already taken by someone, luckily no one. I really can’t get the feeling that this girl I met is someone I need to complete me, a month then another, things between us got better since I started to know this girl. That is when it hit me I think I’m falling, and falling quicker and quicker for this girl. This girl who is a year older to me, why am I falling for her, I think it is because she is the nicest girl I have ever met, and she has this charm on me that just kept me falling in love to her deeply, she is already stuck into this heart of mine. I admitted to her not just once, but more than once, how I really felt about her and she just kept on denying it, but that never stopped me from falling to her, I kept this for the past months we have known each other. Until, this time came that I have to leave for Japan, I had fun like always but I what I miss in the Philippines the most, is this special girl of mine, our communication to each other were turned to computers, rather than our cellular phones, this was our only way of talking to each other. For the past three weeks of my stay there, I have never missed anything more in the Philippines, and it was our nightly chats and talks. When I got home, I quickly charged up my cellular phone, and started texting her, “I really miss this” the first thing I said to her. The day that I will never forget, June 10, time 11 pm at the evening, the sweetest words a girl could ever say to me, I asked her “could you be my girlfriend”, the sweetest words “YES”. At last, the words I have been searching for, time went by, and I showed her how much I love her. But the saddest part and probably the most painful part of being in a relationship, is when she has to say those saddest and painful words, she was my girlfriend for only a week, but in that week, I have felt something I have never felt before the joy of having someone there for you, the feeling of her loving you the way she has loved you. She was my first girlfriend and I hope that someday, she would say those sweetest words to me again, hoping, until now that I have written these words for her, is that she say those sweetest words once more, and that it will last. I only hope now is that she still loves me, the way I still love her today, love you POT.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

School above all else

T.U.M.C.S. it may just be a bunch of gathered letters but this bunch of letters true meaning is, Taytay United Methodist Christian School or simply my second home. This place is my school, my Alma Mater and my home, this school wherein an average of 400 students study year by year is and always is the best school ever. The first I transferred to this beloved school was when I was in my Preparatory Years, and then from then on graduating to my Elementary years, until now my High school years. For me, it is the best school ever. We always have special programs that everyone can enjoy, whether you’re a book lover or simply a sportive player. Taytay United Methodist Christian School, hundreds of past students from our school became successful and has kept their values. T.U. M.C. S. is the place for many young minds that hunger for wisdom.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Failures are just too great

Failures, they normally come and go, and no great people haven’t had a fail because failing is the best way to learn. After the checking of my project in English, I learned that I can be a good blogger I never expected that I can develop myself better thru blogging. The best thing that I need working on is my grammar and writing skills, failures on everything I blog is unavoidable, but what I hope to learn is to learn on improving myself on those failures. The improvement of my writing skills and grammar skills, it all depends on what I’ve learned so far, and what I learned so far is from the books I’ve read, and then apply it from my blog. After the checking, I have realized that I still got more things to learn and improve the blogging project is the best way for me and others to improve their skills in English, and what I hope for this project to end is that everyone has learned their own lessons. No one, and surely nobody is perfect, all that is based on my experience, and that is the best thing about being a human, a life which is perfect isn’t a life at all, because we grow and thrive from our failures, I just hope in end of this project we all pass, and the best part is we all learned our lessons.